Meet our committee

  • Hugh McKenzie | Chair

    Hugh, a retired Chartered Accountant, has dedicated his post-retirement years to community development roles. He values integrity, lives by the principle of “don’t say, do,” and actively contributes to Launceston’s community across a variety of influential roles, including Chair and a founding member of the Cape Hope Foundation. Hugh enjoys an active lifestyle and cherishes family time with his wife, Gina, his sons, and grandchildren.

  • Richard Price | Treasurer

    Richard has been a Cape Hope Foundation Committee member for some years and is currently the Honorary Treasurer. Prior to retirement Richard was Business Manager at Scotch Oakburn College for many years. Richard and Penny have three adult children, who all grew up in Launceston, and five grandchildren. Richard believes focussed philanthropy builds better, stronger and happier communities.

  • Emily McKenzie | Secretary

    Emily joined the Cape Hope Foundation committee in January 2024 and is currently the secretary. Emily has extensive corporate experience, with 15 years supporting Audit and Risk Advisory professionals. She now works for an established local business in Launceston and is passionate about playing an active role in the community in which she is raising her children.

  • Di MacKinnon

    Di has been a Cape Hope Foundation Committee Member since 2015, most of that time spent as Honorary Treasurer until Richard took over in 2023. Di spent over 40 years as a hospital and community Registered Nurse, so she understands the importance of health- and social-related programs. She also believes that philanthropy plays a very important part in today’s society. Without philanthropy, Di feels there would be a lot more disengaged people (old and young) in the community. Di has a keen interest in assisting young people, with a particular passion for supporting education programs.

  • Bruce Archer

    Bruce farmed at “Chester”, Westwood, with his wife Katrina and four children. Now, his sons Andrew and Sam run the farm. Throughout his farming life, Bruce was involved in many community organisations including Chairman of Woolmers Foundation, chaired local and regional Land Care Groups and Launceston and Westbury Shows. Since retiring, Bruce and Katrina have moved into Launceston and have been keen to help with local communities especially Cape Hope Foundation and its vision for a “hand up” philosophy. Bruce has been a member of the Cape Hope Board for the past five years.

  • Anita Giles

    Anita joined the Cape Hope Foundation committee in January 2023. Having reached a time in her life where she was able to give back, and being aware of the incredible work of the foundation, Anita knew it was exactly the kind of organisation that aligned with her values. Anita appreciates the foundation’s ethos of "a hand up not a handout" as well as the foundation’s support of programs that have the power to provide recipients with the potential for a better future. Anita has 2 wonderful grown-up children and is soon to be grandmother to 2 little ones. She has a love for spending time with her family, living a healthy life and travelling.

  • John McKenzie

    John has been a member of the committee since January 2024. He is a Senior Environment Specialist with Telstra and has a particular interest in elevating the important role that nature and the environment plays in a connected and caring community. He is deeply invested in making a lasting contribution to his community and eager to support programs that offer a hand up to those who need it.